Identity Security

Identity without the crisis

Our holistic identity security approach ensures that you maximise value by focusing on the business and not just the technology.

onaware Identity Management

Identity Security is complex

onaware Privacy
onaware listen advise and deliver

Our approach is different

How we can help

It's no secret that Identity Security is one of the most complex initiatives that any organisation can undertake. This is why we offer a comprehensive range of services and technologies.

Identity Security is complex. To succeed, it needs to be driven by a clear strategy, and to define the right strategy you need the right advice. Advice which is based on years of experience and not on theory or reading the manuals and marketing materials.

Our strategy consultants have decades of experience in defining and delivering successful Identity Security programmes. They’ve been both the customer and the partner and they know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to Identity Security. They provide independent, expert guidance to assist you in defining your Identity Security goals.

Our advisory services cover:

  • Requirements gathering
  • Workshop facilitation
  • Strategic planning
  • Roadmap and Business Case development
  • Maturity assessments
  • Product selection and vendor scoring models

Identity Governance is a big part of Onaware’s origin story. We were there at the start and some of our code is embedded in the market-leading IGA software.

Our Identity Governance customers include some of the most recognisable names in banking, pharma, and insurance.

We can deliver a governance solution to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, while increasing efficiency by automating the tedious manual tasks that cost so much in both time and money. If yours is not a regulated industry, the key benefits of Identity Governance still apply.

Ensuring that the right people have access to the right systems, applications, and data will improve the security stance of any organisation and the benefits of licence recovery from regular access certifications can be significant.

Our Identity Governance projects are always tailored to your specific needs and our team of experts is dedicated to delivering a solution that will help you gain control of your organisation’s Identity Governance.

Access Management is about ensuring that only the right people have access to the right things at the right time from the right devices.

Onaware’s vendor-independent approach means that we can offer solutions specifically tailored for your exact needs. We’re not tied to any vendor and because we don’t sell licences, we can offer a genuinely independent view of what products and technologies are out there that could deliver real value to your organisation, and that includes open source solutions too.

From fairly traditional workforce access management, through to large-scale multi-million user customer-facing access solutions, all the way to cutting edge zero-trust and passwordless mobile application biometrics, we have the skills and experience to deliver exactly what you need.

If what you need is something that doesn’t exist yet, we don’t just integrate other people’s technology: we have our own Innovations team that can take your ideas and make them a reality.

Identity Orchestration as a discipline in its own right is a relatively new concept.

Changing working patterns and the distributed nature of the modern working environment, along with the adoption and integration of cloud-based services means the process of managing and controlling the user authentication, authorisation, and access control across a variety of platforms and services has had to change too.

The popularity of the ‘hybrid-cloud’ approach as a tactical response to cloud transition has resulted in a many organisations finding their well-managed and tightly controlled IAM solutions ill-equipped to handle the new ways of working, and their previously strong security stance becomes diluted over time. This is particularly relevant where users sign up to unsanctioned services like personal Dropbox, online collaboration platforms and other similar services that would previously have been considered ‘shadow IT’.

We can help to identify and define your needs, and design and deliver an Identity Orchestration solution to ensure you remain in control across an increasingly complex digital landscape, while also providing a seamless user experience.

Privileged Access Management (PAM) has often been considered more of a Cyber Security discipline than an extension of Identity Security. The reality is, many PAM implementations cost much more and take far longer than necessary because of this. Not ours.

We don’t just recommend the same default ‘industry standard’ password vault-based solution as everyone else. We choose the right tool for the job. For many organisations, a traditional PAM solution is really nothing more than better organised way of storing and distributing the same vast number of risky credentials they’ve always had. We do things differently.

Using our expertise in delivering Identity Security, our PAM solutions do more and take less time than others, while providing granular control over who can access critical systems and data, and under what circumstances, without the risk, inefficiency and cost of PAM password vaults.

If you already have an existing PAM solution, we can develop a hybrid model that will allow you to migrate to a better and more secure vaultless and passwordless approach over time.

Our PAM solutions meet the requirements mandated by: EBA/GL/2019/04, PCI-DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and NISTIR7966.

Operational Technology (OT) forms the backbone of critical infrastructure, safeguarding privileged access has never been more essential. Breaches involving unauthorised access can result in catastrophic ramifications, ranging from disrupted services to severe financial losses.

As IT and OT converge, staff and external resources require access to various industrial control systems (ICS) targets, such as:

    • Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
    • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems
    • Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
    • Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs)
    • Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)

We design and implement solutions which manage, govern and monitor access to these critical resources in a secure and controlled manner, ensuring your organisation stays secure while being  compliant with regulations.

The move ‘into the cloud’ for Identity Security has resulted in several additional risks that often catch customers (and more than few professional services organisations) by surprise.

CIEM (Cloud Identity and Entitlement Management) and CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management) are two essential elements that work together to provide comprehensive protection for your organization’s cloud Identity solution.

CIEM helps manage user identities and permissions across all your cloud accounts and services, ensuring that only authorised users can access sensitive data and applications.

CSPM on the other hand, is focussed on monitoring and enforcing the defined security policies for your cloud infrastructure.

In combination, these two solutions provide end-to-end security coverage for your organization’s cloud environment, helping you stay secure and compliant in the cloud.

At Onaware, we understand that successful Identity Security requires more than just product-specific training or somewhat questionable certifications.

While other courses and qualifications may provide some level of knowledge, they fail to address the gap in understanding of Identity Security as a concept and the necessary steps to initiate, plan, and deliver a successful programme.

That’s why we’ve created the Onaware Academy, offering courses that equip everyone involved in your organisation’s Identity Security programme with the skills they need to contribute to its success. From the boardroom to the support desk, our Academy courses cover the critical aspects of Identity Security, including planning, implementation, and ongoing management.

Whether you’re looking to deliver a new Identity Security programme from scratch or enhance an existing one, our courses offer practical insights and real-world examples to guide your efforts. Plus, our courses have been designed by respected IAM experts who bring years of expertise to the digital classroom, ensuring that you receive the very best Identity Security education available today.

Many Identity Security programmes are understandably focussed on delivering the solution, with not a great deal of thought given to what happens afterwards. Only when the Identity platform transitions to day-to-day operation, does the reality of the situation become apparent.

Qualified and experienced people are hard to find and delivering the level of service required by the organisation can be a real challenge. Many organisations first try to outsource operational support to their usual service desk provider, but Identity Security is complex and does not really lend itself to a generic support model.

Our approach is different. We offer 24/7 expert platform support, including active performance monitoring, defect tracking, change management, application lifecycle management, upgrades and patching and support for infrastructure changes. Our support teams work closely with your own internal teams to ensure the stable operation of your Identity platform.

We offer an at-a glance status reporting capability with dashboards for platform performance, governance status and certification progress and uniquely, an ROI dashboard to show the actual benefits being delivered by the Identity system in real time.

IAM Managed Services by onaware

Where you end up...

Common Identity Security questions

We’re not a generic consultancy or systems integrator: Identity Security is what we do. We don’t sell software licences and we’re not tied to specific identity management or identity governance software vendors. We’re experts in many of the IAM solutions available, but above all, we’re experts in successfully delivering identity security projects and programmes.

Almost certainly. However you refer to it, IAM, IDM, IDAM, IGA, Identity and Access Management or something else, Identity project recovery is a specialist area for us. We know why projects get into trouble and we have the skills and experience to get them back on track, fast.

This is one of our core areas of expertise. Ensuring our customers meet and maintain ECB, EBA and other regulatory compliance obligations (e.g. SOX, HIPAA, PCI DSS) has been a significant part of our work for over a decade. We can help.

We take a comprehensive approach to IAM implementation that includes user engagement, risk management, thorough testing, and customised training and support for your team. We are committed to delivering a solution that aligns with your business objectives and ensures the success of your IAM strategy.

Based on our experience we believe that the common challenges and risks  associated with Identity Security include user resistance, technical complexities, and potential for data breaches or regulatory failures.

Mitigation strategies include user engagement and training, thorough planning and testing, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance.